«When supply is constrained, prices go up, the economy is
16. Jun, 2015
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cheap canada goose uk It’s not a new idea, but it’s one that is being emphasized again by both developers and realtors.»When supply is constrained, prices go up, the economy is hampered, and people have fewer opportunities to get into the housing market,» said McMullin.Critics argue the province still needs to address housing supply. (Darryl Dyck/Canadian Press)»We’ve done nothing but focus on the demand side over the last number of years: the empty homes tax, the foreign buyers tax, the luxury tax, the mortgage stress test now we’re heaping even more taxes on top of those.»On Wednesday, NDP Finance Minister Carole James defended her approach to attempting to lower housing costs.She told reporters the goal is to moderate demand and create more supply, adding it’s important that people can afford to live where they work. Real Estate Association, says a critical issue that still needs to be addressed is the time lag on getting new supply to the market.»In areas such as Vancouver where just about everything being built is multi family, it takes five to seven years from conception to completion of a project.»Muir also questioned the expanded foreign buyers tax, which is increasing from 15 to 20 per cent, and extending to regions outside Metro Vancouver to include the Fraser Valley, Victoria, Nanaimo and the Central Okanagan.He argues only 0.3 per cent of home sale in Kelowna in 2017 were foreign transactions.»Even eliminating all foreign buyer transactions in these markets is not going to make a difference to the overall price of homes,» said Muir.By submitting a comment, you accept that CBC has the right to reproduce and publish that comment in whole or in part, in any manner CBC chooses. https://www.gecheapcanadagooses.ca cheap canada goose uk
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