We can use atmospheric pressure for P, which is P=101
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18. Ago, 2014
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I wanted to drop cheap canada goose sale dead right there in the aisle. (Like am I still employed?!) I ‘m still slightly traumatized /embarrassed. N nLuckily he was super cool, and a good sport about it. This leaves gives you PV=mRT/M, which you can rearrange to solve for mass: m=PVM/RT.Here’s where the fun lies if you’re a pocket protector type: making reasonable guesses at the quantities. I’m very many cases you can screw this up a lot and still see if you had the right idea (more on this at the end).We can use atmospheric pressure for P, which is P=101.3×103 bar. For temperature, we can use something that’s a bit warmer than room temperature and a bit cooler than body temperature, so just to be easy call it 25 C, which translates to 298.15 K (gotta keep it in SI units).The molar mass of exhaled air is not going to be cheap canada goose online exactly like normal air, but it’ll be pretty close, so let’s just call it 30 grams/mol, or 30×10 3 kg/mol.
As far as your husband try looking at it from another angle: at least he backed you up when u scolded something, and if it’s his baby he doesn’t want animals hurting his son. I mean did he pick it up and throw it across the room??!! Yeah grounds for considering what animal you’ve married. If it’s your cat consider what u can do until the child is able to understand NO.
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