Three, if you a man, smile if a dog, wag your tail
25. Oct, 2014
Hoboken LIMA Tennyson Clarence Guyer, who served the public in a variety canadian goose jacket of capacities, was born in Findlay on Nov. 29, 1912, to William Harris and Myrtle Emma Hartsock Guyer.
Guyer was raised in an atmosphere of good reading, simple living and gifted speaking, according to a Dec. 28, 1958, news story. Tenny father was the president of Findlay College. Guyer was also the executive assistant and director of public relations for Cooper Tire and Rubber Co. of Findlay.
Guyer began speaking publicly when he was 19. News reports state that he made more than 8,500 audience canada goose coats appearances, had been known to write more than 200 speeches in a year, and traveled extensively in Europe, Africa and Asia. Guyer also spoke in 28 states, as well as Canada and Cuba, and performed on radio for more than six years.
On July 8, 1959, just months official canada goose outlet after Guyer began serving in the Ohio Senate, a local news story offered evidence of his sense of humor when the Senate voted unanimously to permit canada goose outlet trapping and killing pigeons after hearing Guyer recite a lengthy verse, part of which includes the following:
I not a foe of pigeons, there are 600 kinds or more; Homing, carrier, racers fantailers and many more. But pigeons, like canaries, ought to stay in place; They don belong canada goose outlet online uk in capitols, or in a person face. Visitors aren greeted with a key to our fair city; Instead they salt and peppered by a feathered squad committee. Ohio stalwart statued sons are wearing ghastly blots; We prefer to see them dressed without the polka dots. Now at last we have the answer The pigeons have to go, The bill is now canada goose outlet reviews before canada goose outlet you you simply can vote No. married Edith Mae Reuter on June 10, 1944, and the couple had two daughters, Sharon and Rosetta.
When Guyer was elected to Ohio 4th Congressional District in November 1972, canada goose outlet nyc his No. 1 unpaid assistant was his wife, Mae, according to a Feb. 15, 1973, news report.
our 28 years of marriage, I always tried to help Tenny. We canada goose outlet black friday work as a team. And right now someone got to water the plants, Mae Guyer said. gets the brilliant ideas and I organize and try to execute, step by step, she said.
Mae also typed, paid the bills and chose her husband clothing.
claims he partially color blind, she said.
Guyer took pride in his record of service to the 4th District and was re elected by wide margins four times. He was also highly regarded as Ambassador of Good Canada Goose online Will and was known as one of the nation best commencement speakers.
Guyer spoke to members of the Lima Lions club and their guests on Oct. 22, 1946, at the Barr Hotel in Lima. He was the principal speaker at the club 26th annual charter cheap canada goose uk and ladies night party, and his speech focused on the need for nations Canada Goose Coats On Sale to help one another survive.
to the apparent blessings on citizens of the canada goose store United States, Rev. Guyer cited the needs of the other nations of the world. He based canada goose factory outlet his talk on a music theme, stressing that the need is great for melody, love and harmony in daily living, said a news report.
According to a March 15, 1950, news report, Guyer was the main speaker at an annual banquet of the Mercer County Society for Crippled Children. Guyer had served as president of the society when he had been pastor of Celina Church of God. He stressed the importance of realizing the needs of handicapped children.
asked the audience to make a pledge of their support and stated a togetherness, and unity of purpose, we can and canada goose clearance will help every handicapped child in Mercer County, the story said.
Guyer lamented to the Kiwanis Club on Sept. 6, 1961, that baseball was the only news worth reading.
a very unusual world. At this moment the world is seething with 16 revolutions and the world of conversation is gone. We can get our message across anymore, Guyer said in his talk, which he titled, Secret Five to Stay Alive. Those secrets include the canada goose outlet sale following:
know where we going we lost our national canada goose outlet canada sense of direction. Two, make your goose outlet canada own climate. Be like the uk canada goose cabbie who says there is no bad weather, only different types of good weather. Three, if you a man, smile if a dog, wag your tail. Four, use high octane enthusiasm. Five, have faith in the magic of believing. We only as good as what we believe. died April 12, 1981, in Findlay at age 67.
Guyer was a legislator who always championed the rights of those he represented, according to an April 16, 1981, editorial that was written days after his death. canada goose outlet parka he never achieved a wide national reputation as a politician was of no concern to him. don care who gets the credit as long as a bill comes out, Guyer said in an canada goose outlet interview.
of his jokes may have been corny, but Tennyson Guyer genuinely cared for people. He was an able and likable congressman who will be missed by Ohio 4th Congressional District. {.
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