Insan oldurmek madem seni rahatsiz ediyor seni niye adam
Pāno Āqil
20. Abr, 2015
0 Comments I think it was about 6 7 years after her accident her head started getting really itchy and two big chunks popped out (she thought they were just cysts after using a new shampoo, freaked out when it was tiny cubes of safety glass haha). The rest came out on their own over the next year or two, she had one on her shoulder too that we didn even know was there until it started surfacing, it was so crazy.You can get similar things with stuff like bone shards working their way out of your gums after you have wisdom teeth removed, I had like three slivers pop out now. You don know they there until they there, it sucks.But there no way a mud mask can do that haha.
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