Archive | 29. May, 2015
Volem una Sanitat digna i de qualitat

Volem una Sanitat digna i de qualitat

El  dia 27 de maig,  va tenir lloc la reunió que havíem demanat les Associacions de Veïns de la Comarca amb el Director de l’Hospital. Reunió amb un to positiu envers d’assabentar-nos dels temes interessats  alhora de demanar una millor dotació, tan de personal com d’equipament, de l’hospital.

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The «present» day is close 2 million years in the future

overview for Reedstilt As an canada goose black friday sale example, in the main story of Colonized Space, the three primary characters are a potential heir of one interstellar superpower, canada goose factory outlet an ambassador from another interstellar superpower, and an assassin from a third. From there, I ask how do these characters fit […]

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Og i motsetning til den frste kontrakten

The standard days with a little chill, i went for the mellow. But not in belgium. Every day in belgium i busted out the russion warming tea embro. NHL historien om sommeren har endelig kommet til en slutt. Ilja Kovalchuk har inngtt en avtale med New Jersey Devils (for andre gang denne sommeren). Og i […]

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Skip to the bottom third if you want a quick explanation of

For those of you unable to load the page (cuz you at work or on data limited mobile), here are some interesting tidbits (warning: wall of text). Skip to the bottom third if you want a quick explanation of why the bacteria/venom thing is false. The gallery has lots more info on how they hunt, […]

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